As the winter season unfolds, Lincoln becomes a haven for those seeking unique and locally-crafted treasures. Amidst the festive ambiance and the crisp chill in the air, Lincoln’s winter markets come to life, offering a delightful array of handmade goods crafted with the warmth of community spirit. Now is the time to celebrate the holiday season by supporting our local makers at one of our many Lincoln winter markets.
Wax Buffalo’s Winter Market
December 2 | 11 am – 5:00 pm | Under the O Street Bridge
For those seeking a curated selection of handmade goods and artisanal products, Wax Buffalo’s Winter Market is a must. Back for a second year, this popular German-inspired winter market offers everything from seasonally scented pure soy candles to beautifully crafted home décor. You won’t want to miss this one-day, family-friendly event, which also includes a Kid Zone, food, drinks and more. Purchase your tickets today and be a part of something magical.
Love the Locals
December 10 | Canoyer Garden Center | 10 am – 4 pm
Love the Locals is a true testament to the vibrant community of Lincoln, fostering a strong connection between consumers and local businesses. This market showcases the talents of over 70 local makers and creators, offering a wide array of unique gifts and crafts that everyone on your holiday shopping list is sure to love. From hand-knit scarves to beautifully designed jewelry, Love the Locals offers a unique opportunity to discover the one-of-a-kind items that are as special as the community members who created them.
Roca Merry Farm
December 15 – 16 | 4 – 9 pm | Roca Berry Farm
Nestled near the charming town of Roca, the Roca Merry Farm winter market offers a rustic and enchanting shopping experience. Set against the backdrop of the popular Roca Berry Farm, this new holiday market presents a variety of locally produced goods, including hand-made holiday decorations and locally-crafted gourmet treats. Roca Merry Farm is more than a market; it’s a new seasonal destination just south of Lincoln that truly captures the essence of the holiday season.
Shopping at the winter markets in Lincoln is more than just a transaction – it’s a festive journey filled with local flair and community connection. So, bundle up, grab a warm drink and dive into the heart of Lincoln’s winter markets this December. Happy shopping!